There is a saying in sleepaway camping that the days are long and the weeks are short! It couldn’t be truer of Week 3. It was a week of…
Living the Dream: Week 2
Week 2 has come to an end and it has been quite a week…Trips! Intercamps! Evening Programs! Special Events! And the most beautiful weather! Sunday was our first late…
Living the Dream: Week 1
It has been the most beautiful opening week of the 2019 camp season! We could not have been luckier with the weather and are happy to report happy, smiling, spirited,…
Anxious parent? Sending the kids to camp can be great for you, too!
Sending your child to camp for the first, second, or even 8th time, is no easy task. There are lots of things parents could worry about: will my child be…
Welcoming New Campers
One of the things that makes Watitoh special is how we welcome our 1st-time campers. Once you choose Watitoh as your summer home, a number of things will happen between…
2018 Summer Slideshow
It is hard to believe that the busses left camp over 3 months ago. To keep the Watitoh spirit alive, the final 2018 Memory Lane Slideshow can be viewed below. When asked, please…
2018 Reunion Reminder
Please join us at the 2018 Camper and Staff Reunion. Parents can drop off at 12 PM and return at 1:15 to watch our 2018 Summer Highlight Video! Help us…
2018 Camper & Staff Reunion
We are looking forward to seeing our campers and staff from Summer 2018 next month! Please remember to RSVP!
Plays & Golf Cart Karaoke
Camp Watitoh is lucky to have a talented and dedicated staff that work tirelessly for our campers. Camp Watitoh is proud to present our Jr Camp Play, Sr Camp Play and…
Living the Dream: Week 7
It was a picture perfect ending to an incredible summer! Week 7 kicked off with the Apache Relay- an all camp race where each camper is tasked with a unique…