Living the Dream: Week 2

Week 2 of Summer 2024 is in the books!!!! And it’s been an amazing week!

Monday was our first late sleep and special event day of the summer! The girls spent the morning with their big sisters and little sisters playing Capture the Flag and enjoying a general swim while the boys spent time with their big and little brothers rotating through a paper airplane contest, Oval Games, and Boys Court basketball.  The afternoon event was a Sports-a-Rama Apache Relay which ended in a photo finish! We finished the day with our first Socials of the summer. The Scouts and Inters left camp for a night of mini-golf while the Debs, Cadets, Rangers, and Middies ran around camp playing The Rainbow Games (a hunt-the-counselor-type game) where campers are searching for counselors dressed up in colors and are scared away by the “Greenie Meanies!” The Junior and up had a Cowboys and Aliens themed party in the Social Hall.

Tuesday was our first round of the Townsend Cup! We played the game of Cranium in the Hockey Arena and the girls won the first of this “best out of three” game show night competition. Full disclosure, the boys did almost come back in the end. Our next round is Cabin Feud in a few weeks!! We’ll see who takes home the trophy this summer!

Wednesday was Wacky Wednesday Rainbow Day on Girls Camp! Each bunk was assigned a color and together, they made the rainbow! Thirty of our girls boarded buses for the famous Romaca Swim meet where we placed FIRST overall! Wednesday night was Boys and Girls separates. The Boys had Superstars, where the boys bet on counselors doing challenges. The bunk of Comanche took the crown! A huge congrats to Hudson for the big win!! The girls dressed in all black for their favorite game of Hunt the TIC. Congrats to Narragansett for getting the most points and Gabby was the winning TIC!

Thursday was the 4th of July!! We had a normal program morning followed by our annual Red, White, and Blue Day afternoon. There were water relays, steal the bandana, slip n’ slide kickball, sponge dodgeball, and the TICS and Waiters participated in their marquee event called Chaos…crack an egg on their head, catch a tennis ball dipped in chocolate sauce, dig for pennies in oatmeal, bathe in an ice bath, and slip n’ slide were all part of this gross but amazingly fun relay race! The day concluded with our fan-favorite Silent Disco in the Hockey arena. Six of our staff DJ’d three different music channels and we all rocked out to our favorite music! It was truly a party! The night ended with fireworks over Center Lake.

Today was another great day! Due to a late afternoon rain storm,  tonight’s weekly campfire was moved indoors. More skits, songs, and stories were told. We are all very excited for tomorrow night’s performance of The Wizard of Oz!  The cast and crew have been working so hard the last two weeks and James (Drama Director) is so proud of all of them! Check out the photos on Sunday!

Next week is full of some amazing activities: Dream Day tomorrow, British Empire Day for the Girls on Sunday, Birthday Banquet and Tom Carroll on Tuesday (no evening phone calls), Separates on Wednesday, and the best night of all, our traditional camp SING on Friday night! We are excited to welcome all of you to camp on Saturday for Visiting Day!

We hope you are enjoying all the amazing photos and news from camp!