Living the Dream: Week 6

It has been an INCREDIBLE WEEK here at Watitoh. 

Monday was our typical late sleep but instead of our anticipated Carnival, the rain changed our plans. In the morning, the girls played a game called “Bring Me” with their bunks and lead by the TICS. The boys had a NEW activity called “Bunk Rush.” Inspired by the girls Bunk Chase, the boys ran back and forth from gymnastics acting out and dressing up in all silly ways to perform for judges. Everyone was on the floor laughing! The afternoon was spent doing Pageant, an oldie but goodie where the age groups dress up counselors in pairs. The contest is always a good laugh!! The afternoon ended with campers and staff getting to watch some of the Olympics in the Social Hall and that night was our weekly socials. 

Tuesday was filled with all sorts of excitement for Watitoh Gardens! This long standing tradition of the Waiters vs. the Staff in a classic game of basketball for the entire camp to watch was on the horizon and you could feel the energy in camp all day. Campers were making signs, boys were cleaning and sweeping the court, and the teams were resting for the night’s activity. We welcomed four alumni referees to officiate the game and the Upper Senior Boys were ready for their score keeping responsibilities. The Waiters DOMINATED the entire game and ended with a 68-52 victory! Congratulations to the 2024 MVP, Noah Bogel! 

Wednesday was a traditional camp day and the evening activity was the Senior Camp Play – Grease. Parents, can you believe that many of your kids had never seen the movie? We showed it on a rainy night so they knew the romance between Sandy and Danny.  Our campers were simply amazing…well rehearsed and extremely talented, they recreated this classic in the most wonderful way. Our Drama Director, James, and assistant Hallie, produced a wonderful show and we are so proud of the entire cast and crew!

Thursday morning was normal programming and our last day of hobby period. In the afternoon we had a blast at the Carnival! With special games, a bouncy course, water slides, a dunk tank, snow cones, and cotton candy, a good time was had by all. Thursday night we welcome a hypnotist for the first time ever at Watitoh. He chose a bunch of staff to go under his trance and perform all sorts of silly things. We laughed so hard and got a kick out of seeing our counselors on stage. But the highlight of the night was the hypnotist dressing up the hypnotized staff in special t-shirts that spelled out EGAD24! And there it was…COLOR WAR!! 

We spent four amazing days in an awesome competition between Tan Cyclops and Green Ladon. Tan, led by Nathan (Fish), Sienna, Toby, and Cait challenged Green, led by Moe, Jolie, Karen, and Keegan to a great four days of unbelievable competition. Land sports, sailing, rock climbing, cooking, chess, art, swimming, singing, and more were all displayed throughout this Olympiad. Both teams brought the spirit and upheld the tradition of healthy competition throughout. The Saturday night rope burn was truly one for the history books with an unbelievable come back by the Green team. Sunday night’s track meet highlighted some of our campers extraordinary track and field talents. And last but certainly not least, today’s Apache Relay was a demonstration of teamwork, perseverance, skill, and chance all bundled in one 48 minute and 33 second race around camp. Congratulations to both teams and especially the green team for coming out on top and having the chance to celebrate in the water! 

Tonight we experienced one of the most incredible traditions at Watitoh, the Olympiad Sing and Art Presentation. Both teams sang their hearts out to beautiful songs and both presented camper banners that were creative and demonstrated amazing talent. A huge congratulations to TAN CYCLOPS for winning SING and GREEN LADON for winning Olympiad 2024! We are so proud of all of the participants and especially the leadership of both teams for their amazing efforts.

It is a bittersweet feeling heading into the last few days of this incredible summer, but we are so grateful for another wonderful seven weeks with our campers and staff! Tomorrow is a late sleep followed by Flowerbed (the girls version of Watitoh Gardens) and Pokemon Go for the boys. In the afternoon we have our much anticipated staff soccer game of the Americas vs. the rest of the World. Tomorrow night is our Banquet followed by Waiter Closing and the Girls Closing Campfire. Wednesday we’re heading to Six Flags and are looking forward to Memory Lane as the evening activity. Thursday is packing and plaque-ing with our awards, Scroll, and annual ritual of Candle Boats. 

This is our final blog of the summer but you can look forward to hearing about the highlights from your camper in person!! It is bittersweet to know that we only have four more sleeps in our summer home but know that the memories and friendships will keep us going until next year!!